- 4-hour class
- Saftey, torch etiquette, the laws of glass, and gravity are all gone over, then you play and learn in the fire.
- Stand-In and watch your kid or family member learn $40
So you want to grow more! I know, it was fun!! We have these affordable options to grow in areas of your choosing.
We offer 3 class levels for different skill sets.
All classes are around 20-60 minutes, but no longer than 60 minutes.
C Classes - $60 per hour.
This class will focus on Marbles and Pendants. Vortex, Flower, Implosion and Mushroom Marbles are available for this class but you will need to know which one or two you would like to focus on.
B Classes - $80 per hour.
This class will focus on Pipes and Bats. Simple frit or fume and inside out techniques are all available for this class. As well as window build and placement. Again you need to have a goal for what you want to focus on in this class as it is only an hour.
A Classes - $100 per hour.
This class will focus on more advanced techniques. Mini tube build, Color encalmo sections, Stick Stack and WigWags. Again please know what you want to focus on.
1-day full class
$250 Daily class includes:
- 8 hours of studio time
- Up to 2 of the hours are demo
- Up to 3 hours of one on one follow-up as you work on your own. Only the first 2 hours is a solid dedication to the class.
- The remaining time is all on your own. But don't worry, we got you if you need help.
- You can work as long as you need during the day as long as there is an Elev8 Premier worker to shut the studio down.
$1600 Monthly class includes:
- Up to 2 hours a day 3 times a week of pure one on one instruction
- All the questions you can answer
- 1 calendar month
- Monday-Friday 7am-4pm
- Weekends are potential if there are Elev8 workers at the studio.
- Up to 2 hours a day 3 times a week of pure one on one
$4000 Quarterly class includes:
- 3 calendar months
- Monday-Friday 7am-4pm
- Weekends are potential if there are Elev8 workers at the studio.
- Eye Protection
- All the clear glass you can use
- Elev8 Premier scrap color pile
- Blow tube
- Swivel
- 1/4 inch graphite rod
- 1/2 inch graphite rod
- A few bandages for cuts and burns
- 3 experienced blowers to ask any questions and get any help
Elev8 Premier House Rules
- Flammables--No flammables are permitted anywhere on the floor at any time. This includes butane cans, handheld torches and Bic lighters. Most of us smoke (something) so having a Bic lighter is not uncommon but it is a risk. If at anytime one is found laying on the table this will result in a $20 fine. Any butane cans or hand torches found on the table will result in a $50 fine. Keep in mind a Bic lighter will combust @ 180 degrees. Keeping one in your pocket is not a good idea! A Zippo lighter is your best bet. If in the event a lighter goes BOOM in your pocket, Elev8 Premier will not be held responsible. By signing this form you are acknowledging this. Hand torches and butane are permitted in the consumption room only.
- Kiln Use-- At NO time are the programs on our kilns to be altered. Idle temp may be adjusted but please ask for this to be done. Kilns should always be run at the end of your shift and NEVER crashed out (or just turned off). Elev8 Premier has a responsibility to all of its customers to make sure our glass is properly annealed. If the programs get changed you have not just altered the program for your glass but ours as well and this will not be tolerated. If you need to run a custom program come talk to us, there is program 2 and 3 we can let you reprogram. NEVER CHANGE PROGRAM 1
- Consumption--Elev8 Premier provides a consumption room that you are free to use at any time, however, this is the only area permitted to do so. We have children and other people who may not view cannabis as you do. Vaping allows the smell to be at a minimum. At no time may you consume on the floor or at the table. Please keep all (products) out of the site on the floor as well. A clean run ship is a strong ship. If you do consume in the consumption room, pick up after yourself. The consumption room gets cleaned Fri-Sun. If you leave anything in this room during these 3 days your stuff could end up in the trash. To avoid this, pick up after yourself.
- Tools--All tools are the property of Elev8 Premier that is used by the crew. We have provided a variety of tools that you are free to use at any time. (Tools marked with green tape). But any tools that are in a blowers area or that are assigned to a glassblower are off-limits unless you have direct permission and the tools must be returned after use. If you are caught with another glassblower's tools and did not have permission we will impose a fine of $10. This is to prevent the loss, misplaced and damaged tools and to keep the level of respect high. You can borrow tools from our community area, but you must put your station ticket in the toll area so there is always tracking of the tools. This helps let other blowers know where to go if a tool is borrowed from the community area.
- Visitors--We welcome you to have a friend or two stop by for a bit to show them the cool new place your spending time at. Even letting them watch the fresh new skills your learning. We just ask that they not be here for long periods of time (not more than 1 hour) and they are not causing any distractions to any employees. At no time will visitors be allowed at the studio after business hours (8 am - 5 pm). At no time will visitors be allowed to handle any equipment. This includes torches, tools and any glass (raw or completed).
- Closing--To be able to close you must be trained and approved. Closing is a big responsibility and not to be taken lightly. For both the safety and security of the studio all items on the checklist must be done and as well as the checklist itself. If anything on the checklist is not completed it will result in a $20 fine. If it happens again within a 30 day period it will result in another $20 fine. A 3rd time within 30 days will be $50 fine and possibly the loss of closing privileges. We do not impose fines to be mean, we impose the fines to keep the level of safety at the highest. We feel our rules are easy to follow and only make for a better workplace.
- Glass Purchases--If you find yourself needing to buy any raw glass, color or tools we will be more than happy to help you. We only ask that you keep purchases down to once per day at a time convenient to the shop manager. If you are approved for a line of credit it must be paid by the end of every week (Fri). Please be sure you keep your glass separate from ours. Things like puntys and blow tubes are not free so let's be sure you are not using ours and we will do the same for you
- Ghost riding--This is a term we use when someone leaves their torch on while not being present. This is an expensive waste of our Propane and Oxygen. If you leave your mat, turn the torch off. No consumption breaks, No bathroom breaks or even waiting for a piece to warm up in the kiln. If you are not heating glass TURN IT OFF. If caught Ghost riding it will result in a $5 fine (every time). Please keep your outer flame off if you're not in it as well.
- Station cleanliness--If you are renting a space you are responsible for keeping that space clean. Trash other than glass is a mess we feel we can do without and makes an overall more respectable and professional workplace. Soda cans, food wrappers should be thrown away daily in the trash by the breakroom. We fully understand the messes that happen working with glass but we strive to provide a clean environment for everybody here. On a scale of 1-10 1 being immaculate and 10 being a disaster, your area should never be past a 5. This is just a great practice.
- Bathrooms--We have 2 restrooms available, One is located by the front door and one by the table. As a courtesy, we prefer the front restroom (by the front door) to be used for our more (serious) business. Please be respectful of both restrooms and clean up after yourself to help us keep them clean for everyone. Our teammates clean this and they do not need to clean up piss on seats or rims. If you piss on the toilet, be kind and wipe it up. It’s also a great rule to use at your own house, women hate seeing that stuff, and to clean it up at the time represents a great deal of respect for us and yourself.
- Cooking--We have a BBQ grill and a few other means of cooking here. You are more than welcome to use these as long as you clean up. A BBQ grill, plates and any type of mess made while cooking should be cleaned at the end of the break.
- Breakroom-- (Fridge use) Please feel free to use the fridge for your lunch or Drinks but please be sure to clean out regularly. At no time should you have open sodas or any other containers without a lid in the fridge or freezer? Be respectful and help to keep the fridge clean as rent does not cover Elev8 Premier having to clean up after you. If you are responsible for Elev8 having to clean up after you, you will be charged. If you do your part you should not have to worry about penalties.
- Fighting-- At no time for no reason is fighting acceptable. Verbal or physical. We all have strong opinions at times but we need to maintain a professional attitude.
Any type of name-calling, threats, and especially physical contact will not be tolerated and could result in the non-refundable termination of your rental contract. If you have any problems or concerns with anyone at any time, please notify the manager immediately.